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I. When the war was over, the World Bank arrived. Khmer stopped killing and prepared for system change. Society was changed and prepared for the free market. Loan would be provided only if there was such well-set platform for this system.

II. Natural resource is traded off for conditional aid.Public services has been care services, transportation, and education system are managed by the cooperates.
What is democracy? CD-Vol06
Published on, 17, March, 2016, 03:19 AM | View : 4366
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I. Democracy means people power. People power is greater than Legislative, Executive, and Judicial Power. This power must be independent.

II. Democracy in Cambodia? Violence happens every day. People’s life has no value. Leaders are chasing up power, position, and social status than taking care of the citizens. They must solve our problems.

R. It is time to be united. Regardless of which political party you believe in, you must work together to build our country. The benefits of the citizens must be your top priorities. Don’t forget your promise. 

III. Citizens is more important than power. Justice and independent judicial system must be enforced. This is what leaders must do. Then the country will be happily ever after. 

Compose: The Messenger Band
Edited: The Messenger Band

( 17 March 2016 )

I. Oh! My family heritage land that we used to live together. Now, we confuse because the rich man took our land.

II. He is rich, has money and power. More than ten thousand hectares of farm land are converted into sugarcane farm.
He invaded with no shame. Farmer’s houses were destroyed. People were evicted from their own property.

R. We are poor. We live depending on the benefit of the forest. But now there is deforestation including forest conversation area. And the land become private own by big company.

III. Sugar company produces sugar while our tears are dropping to beg for investor’s kindness.Investor has to consider and find us solution.

Compose: The Messenger Band
Edited: The Messenger Band...
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